[Allegro-Code | Code Beschreibung] | Inhalt |
[00 | Identifikationsnummer[+BandNr[+TeilNr[+...]]][=Bandbezeichnung]] |
00209100 |
[15w | ] | cd00202447 |
[15z | ] | 91X1 |
[20 | Hauptsachtitel. Körperschaftliche Ergänzung : Zusatz] | The mythos of Germanic continuity |
[31 | Schlagwörter, Thesaurusbegriffe] |
NS-Ideologie > Ideologie des Nationalsozialismus; Blut-und-Boden-Ideologie; Nationalsozialistische Ideologie; Nationalsozialismus Germanenbild > Germanenkult; Germanenmythos; Germanenkunde Volkskunde > Kulturanthropologie |
[37 | Sprache(n) des Textes] | eng |
[40 | Hauptverfasser] | Emmerich, Wolfgang (JDG | GND) |
[48 | ] | Emmerich, Wolfgang: The mythos of Germanic continuity |
[708 | Detaillierte Quellenangaben Seiten] | 34-54 |
[76 | Erscheinungsjahr] | 1994 |
[84 | Sachtitel des übergeordn. Werkes [/ Verf.Name] [ ; Zählung] ode _IdNr des übergeordneten Werkes] |
00210437 "... but when does the prewar begin?" : Folklore and fascism before and around 1933 / Strobach, Hermann 1994 Nazi conceptions of culture and the erasure of Jewish folklore / Daxelmüller, Christoph 1994 The office of ancestral in heritance and folklore scholarship / Oesterle, Anka 1994 Folklore and National Socialsm : Questions for further investigation / Gerndt, Helge 1994 The battle for the "Ostmark" : Nazi folklore in Austria / Bockhorn, Olaf 1994 Nazi folk ideology and folk research / Bausinger, Hermann 1994 The Weigel symbol archive and the ideologie of National Socialist folklore / Brednich, Rolf W. 1994 The Nazification of an academic discipline : Folklore in the Third Reich / Dow, James R.; Lixfeld, Hannjost 1994 Eugen Fehrle and "the mythos of our folk" / Assion, Peter 1994 Folklore at the universities of Graz and Salzburg at the time of the Nazi takeover / Eberhart, Helmut 1994 Folk-national work during the Third Reich / Bausinger, Hermann 1994 Confronting National Socialism in the folklore of the German Democratic Republic / Jacobeit, Wolfgang 1994 |
[90 | [Standort]Signatur[ = Magazinsignatur]] | O 02.02 |
[90a | ] | O |
[92a | ] | J |
[92c | ] | 06 |
[92d | ] | 13 |
[94 | Verknüpfung zu externen Ressourcen] | 1995:02726 |
[96 | frei verwendbar (z.B. bibliotheksspezifische Daten)] | BT |
[99e | Änderungsdatum] | 20150731/12:23:40-918402/1088 obar |
[99K | ] | 20150731/17:49:11-890873/1229 |
[99n | Zugangsdatum (Erfassungsdatum)] | 19960418/09:16:07 |
[99w | ] | 20050803 |
[99z | ] | 95xx02726 |