Einträge zu dem Titel "Dutch contacts with the resistance in Germany / Roon, Ger van (1990)":

[Allegro-Code Code Beschreibung] Inhalt
[00 Identifikationsnummer[+BandNr[+TeilNr[+...]]][=Bandbezeichnung]] 00148892
[15w ] cd00182860
[20 Hauptsachtitel. Körperschaftliche Ergänzung : Zusatz] Dutch contacts with the resistance in Germany
[31 Schlagwörter, Thesaurusbegriffe] Widerstand > Resistance; Partisanen; Widerstandskämpfer; Antifaschistischer Widerstand; Franktireur; Freischärler; Untergrundkämpfer; Franc-tiruer; Kombattanten; Ghettoaufstände > Politische Haltung; Politische Bewegungen; Kriegsrecht
Emigration > Politische Auswanderung; Exilanten; Exil > Migration
[31g diverse Spezialschlagwörter] 00398071
[37 Sprache(n) des Textes] eng
[40 Hauptverfasser] Roon, Ger van (JDG | GND)
[48 ] Roon, Ger van: Dutch contacts
[708 Detaillierte Quellenangaben Seiten] 205-220
[76 Erscheinungsjahr] 1990
[84 Sachtitel des übergeordn. Werkes [/ Verf.Name] [ ; Zählung] ode _IdNr des übergeordneten Werkes] 00140468
Germans against Nazism : Nonconformity, opposition and resistance in the Third Reich ; Essays in honour of Peter Hoffmann / Nicosia, Francis R.; Stokes, Lawrence D. 1990
Self-defence against fascism in a middle-class community : The Jews in Weimar Germany and beyond / Paucker, Arnold 1990
Conservative opposition to Nazism in Eutin, Schleswig- Holstein, 1932-1933 / Stokes, Lawrence D. 1990
'Resistance' to 'No Surrender' : Popular disobedience in Württemberg in 1945 / Stephenson, Jill 1990
Individual loyalty and resistance in the German military : The case of Sub-Lieutenant Oskar Kusch / Walle, Heinrich 1990
Social democratic resistance against Hitler and the European tradition of underground movements / Allen, William Sheridan 1990
Waiting for action : The debate on the 'other Germany' in Great Britain and the reaction of the Foreign Office to German 'Peace-Feelers', 1942 / Blasius, Rainer A. 1990
Introduction : Resistance to National Socialism in the work of Peter Hoffmann / Nicosia, Francis R. 1990
The national-conservatives and opposition to the Third Reich before the Second World War / Hill, Leonidas E. 1990
Surveillance and disobedience : Aspects of the political policing of Nazi Germany / Gellately, Robert 1990
Catholic resistance to biological and racist eugenics in the Third Reich / Dietrich, Donald J. 1990
German soldiers in the 1938 Munich crisis / Deutsch, Harold C. 1990
Social unrest and the response of the Nazi regime, 1934-1936 / Kershaw, Ian 1990
Between pacifism and patriotism - a protestant dilemma : The case of Friedrich Siegmund-Schultze / Conway, John S. 1990
Between England and Germany : Adam von Trott's contacts with the British / Malone, Henry O. 1990
Radical minority : Resistance in the German Protestant Church / Ericksen, Robert P. 1990
Jewish resistance to Nazi racial legislation in Silesia, 1933-1937 / Jonca, Karol 1990
Peasants and workers in their environment : Nonconformity and opposition to National Socialism in the Austrian alps / Hanisch, Ernst 1990
The uses of remembrance : The legacy of the communist resistance in the German Democratic Republic / Rosenhaft, Eve 1990
[90 [Standort]Signatur[ = Magazinsignatur]] O 12.01.02
[92a ] J
[92c ] 06
[93 Inhaltsangabe (Kapitel, Bestandteile)] über d. Beziehungen d. Widerstandes in Dtld. u. Niederlande, betrifft nicht d. Besatzungszeit
[94 Verknüpfung zu externen Ressourcen] 1992
[96 frei verwendbar (z.B. bibliotheksspezifische Daten)] BT
[99e Änderungsdatum] 20141127/13:12:49-832756/227 osg
[99K ] 20141127/17:49:36-653559/244
[99n Zugangsdatum (Erfassungsdatum)] 19930421/09:08:15
[99w ] 20050803